Christmas is Coming - Pamela Cook

Pamela is a writer, teacher and mother of three gorgeous daughters. She also manages a menagerie of dogs, rabbits, birds, fish and horses and her favourite pastime (after writing) is riding her handsome quarter horse, Morocco. She lives in the southern suburbs of Sydney but spends as much time as possible at her “other” home in Milton on the south coast of NSW.
Being a country girl at heart and spending so much of her time around horses enticed Pamela to “write what you know” and she’s more than happy to now be a writer of Rural Fiction. Her first novel was Blackwattle Lake, was released in November 2012. Now she brings to us, Essie's Way.
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Leave a comment here for your chance to get a Christmas Card direct from Pamela, or maybe a free book from the giveaway pile.
In your own words tell us a little about your new release …
On the brink of marrying her long term boyfriend Miranda McIntyre discovers that the grandmother she thought was dead may be very much alive.
Determined to solve the family mystery – and to ignore the creeping uncertainty about her life - Miranda sets off on a road trip where she meets Esther Wilson, an old recluse. Here at Pelican Point Miranda discovers the truth about her mother’s past and faces reality about the future.
What was the idea/the revelation/the ‘kicking off point’/the impetus for writing this particular novel?
The story came from a collection of fragmented ideas. It began with an image of an old woman playing the violin in a cottage near the ocean which came to me during a week long writing course I did years ago. I then had an image of a younger woman, dissatisfied with her life and heading off on a road trip. The other key fragment was the story of Grace Bussell who rescued survivors of a shipwreck on horse back. Somehow I managed to pull the three strands together into one story.
What is your funniest ‘real life’ Christmas story?
Way before I was married I was desperate to have a white Christmas. I spent a couple of years living in London and, with a group of friends, headed up to Scotland to a place called Aviemore near Lochness, where we thought it would be snowing. Being in our early twenties we didn’t have much idea about cooking and forgot to defrost the Turkey. Not having a microwave we ended up sticking it on top of the gas heater to defrost and finally ate Christmas lunch at about 5pm that afternoon by which time we were all pretty smashed! I still have the photos of the Turkey, frozen solid, decorating the lounge room. It wasn’t exactly a white Christmas either but it did snow the next day.
(Margareta: ROFL!)
Best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
I think that might be coming up … this Christmas my husband, three daughters and I are going to Austria for a white Christmas and a two week ski trip. We’re also meeting close friends there. It will be a dream come true.
(Margareta: Can I be a member of your family too?)
Worst Christmas present you’ve ever received?
Hmmm I might pass on that one in case any family or friends are reading!
(Margareta: Very sensible )
Best Christmas present you’ve ever bought for someone else?
When my eldest daughter was 12 she started riding a horse for someone who was pregnant with twins and couldn’t ride. He was pretty much confined to his stable most of the time because he was a bit of a bully and liked to rip the other horse’s rugs. Although in hindsight I think that was because he was locked up! Of course she fell in love with him and unbeknownst to her we bought him from the owner. At Christmas we made up some story about having to go to the stables and help the owners of the place do the morning feeds and there he was waiting for her with a shiny gold ribbon around his neck. I’ll never forget the smile on her face! Eight years later we still have him, along with five other horses. And a low bank balance!
(Margareta: Oh WOW! What fabulous parents you are!)
This Christmas, who would be the best person to buy your novel for?
Essie’s Way has a little bit of everything – a rural setting, family drama, personal struggles, horses, romance and history. It would appeal to readers who wants to escape and go on a journey with the characters. Anyone from 19 to 90!
This year, at the Romance Writers of Australia Conference in Fremantle WA, it was my pleasure to meet Pamela, such a delightful, warm and lovely fellow rural fiction author. We are also both mothers and this is a picture of Pamela's daughter receiving that very special horse. I know my daughter would love to get such a present too
I'm really looking forward to reading Essie's Way and also meeting up with Pamela again this year at the same conference to be held in Sydney.
Thanks to Pamela, we have a copy of both Essie's Way and Blackwattle Creek to give-away, so for all you rural fiction lovers who haven't had the treat of reading this lovely rural author's books, comment below and you'll go in the draw to win!
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