Who's making ANZAC's today?

The checklist for today, ANZAC DAY, April 25, 2015:
Dawn Service where hundreds of locals gathered. Tick.
Tears while the last post was played. Tick.
Stories shared with the children over breakfast of H's grandfather - a tunneller - killed on the Western Front in WW1, and his father - a Navy man - who fought in WW2. Tick.
Stories shared with the children over breakfast of my Great Uncle, killed whilst a POW on the Burma railway. Tick.
Anzac Biscuits in the oven. Tick.
A quiet, respectful day on the farm. Tick.
It's all part of ANZAC day in our house. What's ANZAC day like in yours?
ANZAC Biscuits
Today, I thought I'd take this opportunity to share my amazing ANZAC biscuit recipe. These yummy treats are loved by all at our place. They're so easy to make, I often whip them up on Sunday nights if I've got nothing for the lunchboxes or smoko to start the week. Dive in. Give them a go. And say a small prayer as you place them in the oven. I do.
Lest We Forget.
Turn oven on to 160 deg (Slow oven)
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 cup caster sugar
3/4 cup of coconut
Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
Melt 125 gms (1/4lb) butter in microwave. Add 1 tablespoon of Golden Syrup. Whack back in microwave for 30 seconds or so, ensuring it's hot for the next addition.
Combine 1 teaspoon of Bi-Carb Soda with 2 tablespoons of boiling hot water. Add to hot butter mixture, stirring gently and it will FIZZ.
Add to wet ingredients to dry ingredients and combine well.
Use a big teaspoon to place a teaspoon of mixture (roll it in your hands so it's a ball) on a greased biscuit tray. Repeat until all mixture is used. (Usually three across tray)
Bake in a slow oven for around 15 - 20 minutes.
Loosen biscuits on tray with egg flip while still warm. Cool on trays.
I drizzle my cooled ANZAC biscuits with melted chocolate (Nestle or Cadbury Milk Melts). They taste spectacular!
Ummm ... bad for you? YES!. Yummy for you? YES! But it's comfort food and it's Saturday and it's ANZAC day ... so I haven't got a problem with that.
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