Christmas is Coming - spread the news

Christmas is Coming and you can win the presents.
To win the major prize, a $75.00 Booktopia Voucher you need to share, tweet or retweet your favourite author's posts - using the hashtag #bushchristmas so we can find you're entry!
To win any of the random book giveways or a Christmas Card signed by your favourite author - you need to add your comments to any of the posts that are still open (ie the giveaway hasn't ended).
So get entering everyone!
Week One (Bookgiveaways / Christmas Cards finished sorry)
Week Two (Don't miss your chance for the book giveaways and Christmas cards)
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week SIx
Week Seven
- Danielle Hawkins
- Zelie Bullen and Freda Nichols
There's also a couple of late entrants we're working with at the moment so keep an eye out and don't forget - share, tweet or retweet any of the posts to go in the draw for that Booktopia Voucher.
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