Day 2 of the Book Tour

Yes, well, we're going to catch up with these ... promise, but going back in history just a little to last Friday, which is the third day of the book tour!
We set out this morning, a wee bit tired and bleary eyed after a fabulous evening in Bairnsdale. Around 50 people braved the rain last night to come and hear about Bella's exploits and to taste the delicious nibbles and wine provided by the wonderful Di and Duncan at Collins Booksellers, Barinsdale. In short, I had a ball - hope everyone else did as well!
This morning we headed on down to Phillip Island and the lovely town of Cowes. At 'Turn the Page' bookshop we met up with Lois, her assistant Helen and we were warmly welcomed by a lovely crowd of people who shared their passion for reading with us. The hot chocolate and coffee at the cafe next door, served as we sat round and chatted like old friends, were delicious too!
Next stop is Foster, where tomorrow morning I'll step onto the street (and way out of my comfort zone), to indulge in a spot of book busking! (And because there's a bit of timeshifting going on here... you can now see me doing my busking bit here.)
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