Autumn's been lovely this year... but goodness where did that cold wind come from!

Brrrr … June has arrived and winter has slammed into us with a vengeance here in Southern Victoria. The wind is icy and days overcast and grey. It was such a sudden change! The week before last we were getting dreamy, calm, warm and clear autumn days, the weather you hang out for all year – then, WHAMO!, the icy tendrils of winter hit. It was like a slap in the face, just when the dogs and I were getting into the swing of fencing in the sun.
Guess it had to come sometime. didn't it?! And at least the wind hasn’t started howling again yet (but now I’ve said that …!)
So with cold, sleet and sometimes snow now here, scarves are a constant piece of my daily apparel. I have to admit I’m gathering these things at a rate faster than my middle son eats chocolate cake. Or my eldest son scoffs down jelly slice (and that’s pretty darn slick). I'm falling in love with silk having discovered, via my late great aunt, that despite its appearance of being light and quite insubstantial, it is also INCREDIBLY WARM! I think its worth every cent you shell out (Yes, I know, but it's SILK!) and has fast become my winter “go-to” wear. Which brings me to this captivating and very helpful link I found the other day on some different ways to wear scarves. If you’re like me, I had a limited way to tie the things. Not any more. It’s totally worth a look.
I’ve also invested in some ‘Pickle Yarn’ from one of my favourite yarn shops, Say! Little Hen. I plan to crochet myself a nice scarf from this divine hand-dyed 100% wool. I’ll let you know how I go.
Last Sunday I was in Traralgon at the Latrobe Literary Festival and I just want to thank those readers who came out on a really disgusting day (picture rain hammering down so hard the author on stage had to talk REALLY loud) to hear about my writing life and the journey books have taken me on. Not to mention us ALL getting to hear from the three other fabulous authors in attendance. It was a fantastic day and full credit goes to the organisers from the Latrobe Shire. It’s rare, we, in south-east rural Victoria, get access to such an event.
Next week, on Tuesday June 6, 2017 and as part of my lazy LAKE HILL tour around Gippsland, I’ll be at the Trafalgar Community Centre, Princes Hwy Trafalgar, from 11am chatting about LAKE HILL! You can find out more details here.
On the same day (Tuesday June 6, 2017) I’ll also be at the Korumburra Library (165 Commercial St, Korumburra) from 2pm chatting about LAKE HILL. Details here.
I’d love to see you in either place, and there’ll books on hand to purchase, should you like me to sign one for you.
Next Thursday evening I'll also be at the Collins Bookstore in Traralgon (3/74 Seymour St, Traralgon) from 5-6pm to sign books or just say hello! I’ll also be doing a talk on LAKE HILL over dinner at MOMO on the same night. Limited tickets are available so for details contact Allyra instore or phone her on 51762506.
That’s nearly it for this week. But before I go, I might just end off with a “here and now” ramble for a bit of fun.
Loving // My new hand dyed sock yarn which is going to be scarf yarn by the time I’ve finished crocheting with it.
Eating // Hot tomato soup with crusty bread, just the thing for the start of winter.
Drinking // My favourite tea – Earl Grey but trying to cut out the sugar. It’s a struggle.
Feeling // Happy we’ve got a start on repairing the fence the kangaroos have wrecked on our new agistment block.
Making // A casserole called ‘Devilled Beef’ from my new Sally Wise ‘The Complete Slow Cooker’ recipe book. It smells yum!
Thinking // About how sad I am the LAKE HILL book tour is winding to a close and how many wonderful readers I have been able to catch up with over the last few weeks. It’s like catching up with one BIG literary family! Also, I keep remembering a line I read the other day, which went something like … ‘Be grateful for what you have and be nice to people.’ That’s about it in a nutshell, isn’t it?
Dreaming // Of a warm beach, in the tropics with crystal clear water and a cocktail like a midori splice in my hand. (What was that about being grateful for what you have? Brrrr …)
Stay warm in the south as we all try and get used to winter’s chill. Be thankful in the north you don't live down here!
Margareta x
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