The Billy's Boiling with Mandy Magro

Hi and thank you for agreeing to come to morning tea or ‘smoko’ with me! It’s really very kind of you to consider joining in, as I’m hoping that this is another method by which we can get all our readers to know more about all our authors! On my blog we’re having are having a metaphorical cuppa and cake on our farm at Tinamba in Gippsland, Victoria. Imagine, if you will, we're in my kitchen, which is pretty comfortable and welcoming (even if I say so myself And, of course, ‘the billy’s boiling’… |
[swf file="billyboiling.mp4"] |
At the table with me is Mandy Magro whose latest book is Jacaranda, which was inspired by her love for the glorious Jacaranda tree, her passion for horses and her journey into motherhood. Jacaranda is a passionate love story steeped in the beauty of the Australian outback, and one that leaves the bedroom door open for the readers. Oh yes, wide open! Shades of Grey…pfft! LOL! Apart from being a passionate countrywoman Mandy is also a bit of a spiritual hippy, mediation and yoga a common pastime for her.
Hi, Margareta! I’m thrilled to be here chatting with you.
At nineteen, Molly Jones has the world at her feet. Then one drunken night she falls into bed with Mark, a cowboy just passing through. By the time Molly realises she is pregnant, Mark is long gone.
Now, at twenty-six, Molly’s life is almost perfect. She’s the devoted mother of Rose, and a renowned horse trainer. She lives amid the beauty of Jacaranda Farm, surrounded by family and friends – none closer than hunky stockman Heath. But she’s still looking for the love of her life, and a father for Rose.
When Mark stumbles back into her world, as charming as ever, Molly begins to hope for a future she’d long ago relinquished. But how will Mark react when he learns he’s a father? And could the man of Molly’s dreams be closer to home than she thinks?
What's your favourite cake/slice/bickies/dip for morning smoko?
I can’t say no to a piece of warm apple pie and cream, or a baked cheesecake, or pecan pie, or homemade anzac biscuits, or Lemon butter tart…. Actually, come to think of it, anything terribly hip widening is fine with me. Yummo! LOL!
(Warm apple pie and cream? Love it! Now I am drooling …)
Latte or Billy Tea?
Hmmm, I would have to say a Billy Tea. Sweet and strong, kind of like the men in my novels
(Still drooling …)
Country or City?
Ahhh, the country, through and through. I need the wide-open spaces so I can feel gloriously alive, so I can breathe deeply and also so I can see nothing but nature.
Sea or Trees? 
I am going to be cheeky here and say sea and trees. It depends on the day as to which I would prefer as I get so much from being surrounded by both.
(Seeing you live in the stunning tropical north with those amazing beaches AND rainforests, Mandy, we’ll let you be cheeky just this once.)
Morning or Evenings?
I am more productive in the mornings and I find the evenings are when I can sit back with a glass of wine and relax.
(Wine? Did someone say wine? Yes please …)
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn?
I like the frosty crispness of winter but if I had to choose it would certainly be summer when the sun is shining gloriously and I can get my daily fix of vitamin D.
(It’s when we have frosty crispness in Gippsland that I dream of Cairns!)
Swags or Room Service?
Awww, that’s a hard one. I love sleeping out in a swag under a star-lit night but I’m not one to shy away from a plush hotel with room service either.
Horse or Motor Bike?
Horse, horse, horse….did I say horse!
(Nah, I’m sure you said motorbike, lol.)
Books or Shoes?
I only own about 7 pairs of shoes and three pairs of those are boots. 110% certain on the answer for this one…BOOKS! They are my passion.
(Maybe I should have swapped shoes with boots for you? I know I own more boots than shoes (but please don’t tell my husband).)
Jim Craig, Hugh Jackman or Simon Baker (?All of them)?
I might sound a bit daft but who is Jim Craig? I would happily have a mixture of Hugh Jackman and Simon Baker, sexy, manly and devilishly cheeky. But, my all time sexy hunk is Joaquin Phoenix. He’s delightfully dark and mysterious…yum!
(OMG, MANDY. Who is JIM CRAIG???!!! Karly Lane, where are you? We need to edu-ma-cate this woman (as Margareta walks away muttering and shaking her head). Mandy, Mandy, Mandy … Jim CRAIG? The most crack horse rider of all time, the most sexy, gorgeous, to-die-for, hunk-of-a-spunk to ever sit on a horse …
I guess the upside of this, Karly, is at least we don’t have another would-be Jessica to contend with.
Jim Craig was the ‘The Man from Snowy River’. )
(siteadmin - don't feel bad Mandy - I said EXACTLY the same thing when Margareta put his name in the list )
Rodeo or Dinner Party?
Hmmm, do I need a minute to think? NOPE! Rodeo, hands down.
(Lol, me too. Except if Jim Craig was coming to dinner then it’d be a toss up.)
Dairy / Cropping / Beef / Sheep?
I love animals and can spend all day just watching them so even though I am a fruit farmer I would have say beef.
Which Tractor - Green, Blue or Red?
Green…the tough and ever dependable John Deere. Bring it on!
(Awesome woman. One of my sons (the lover of all things coloured green on four wheels) wants to marry you.)
Holden or Ford?
I’m a Holden girl, without a doubt. A restored 1968 Holden HK Monaro GTS would have to be my dream car.
(1968 was the year for classics )
Cats or Dogs?
Dogs. I love them.
Why Writing?
Writing takes me away, allows me to create, inspires me and excites me. It’s an amazing job and one I feel extremely blessed to do.
(Yes, all of that.)
Writer's Cave or Kitchen Table?
Hmmm, maybe the kitchen? But to be frank, neither. I would prefer to be sitting outside under a tree with my laptop. Nature is what enthuses me so I like to be surrounded by it as I write.
Book(s) That Changed Your Life?
Rural fiction. This genre is what inspired me to write, and that in turn has changed my life immensely.
Event That Changed Your Life?
Becoming a Mum. I never believed you could love another human being as much as you love your children. Chloe is my world.
(Motherhood does have that effect on you.)
Now that JACARANDA is out, are you working on anything now? (What's next?)
I have another two books in the pipeline. I am just about to start editing Melaleuca, which is due to be released early next year, and then I am also writing my fourth, Driftwood. Which has an appearance by the hunky country singer, Adam Brand. He’s so excited to be written into the book, too. Which is fab!
(Busy, busy, busy!)
Words to Live By?
Love, freedom, enchantment, peace and respect.
Makes me sound like a bit of a hippy Maybe I should have been born in the 70’s! I do love Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd, oh, and flared jeans!
Big grateful hugs to you for inviting me over to your place for a cuppa, Margareta. It’s been wonderful to catch up. I have a bit of a long drive home, though, so I better hit the road. Good luck for the next book. I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks for being my guest for morning smoko, Mandy. And you need to go find The Man from Snowy River on DVD! With your love of horses you will adore it.
As Mandy is currently visiting family in England, we wish her the very best of times and safe travelling.
See you next time as she waves goodbye.
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