Day 1 of the Book Tour, Blog Post Number 1!

The BELLA'S RUN book tour has launched (lurched!) into the first day, after a book launch evening that I will remember for many years to come.
The people of Gippsland, friends and family turned out in force, all 200+ of them! It was an incredible turnout, and I just wish I'd had a chance to personally thank each and everyone of you who attended, and all those who sent their best wishes and kind thoughts. It means such a lot, I hope you all realise that.
Today, my first day of "events", started out with a radio interview, down in Melbourne, on 3CR's "Published or Not" show with Jan Goldsmith. We had a really great discussion about BELLA'S RUN (Jan had some awesome questions lined up for me) and a podcast will be available shortly for those that couldn't join us on the air.
From there it was off to the Berwick Library for an afternoon with a delightful group of interested readers, including somebody from England (now if Bella Run's that far I'll be a very contented author!).
We're now on the road heading to Bairnsdale, in glorious East Gippsland, looking forward to an evening with the locals very very much.
I'm so looking forward to catching up with you all.
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