Good News Week

And so, this week I need to share with you all, the most fabulous array of news.
After many early mornings (and more than a few late nights), my edits on LAKE HILL are done and dusted! Now, to the typesetters for this baby (and that would be baby number 10 if you count five print/ebook novels, two novellas and three kids :) … WHOO HOO!
Thanks to all you fabulous, amazing and incredibly supportive people, I have made it into the FINALS of Booktopia’s search for Australia’s Favourite Author!!! YA HOO! They are on the countdown to find the Top 50.
The finals are up on the Booktopia blog all week and there is an huge diversity of superb authors to choose from. If you’d like to cast your final vote for me <wink> … or any of the other incredibly talented authors listed (you can choose as many as you like!) and at the same time go in the draw to win $1000 worth of books (OMG, who wouldn’t love, love, love to win that?!)
Here’s the link: (poll closes on Friday the 20th January)
This week I’ve also somehow managed to buy a new ‘secondhand’ car, which, has - the ultimate coupe de grace in my eyes – a working air conditioner, and heated seats! I know, slightly opposite ends of the temperature spectrum these two, but up here in the foothills both are necessary items I currently haven’t got! But more on that next week, so stay tuned ...
And, tomorrow, we are leaving the farm in very good hands and going on … wait for it … a HOLIDAY! As in a dinky di, you beaut, “sit by the water and do nothing if you want” vacation! So be prepared to be photo bombed (if you’re on Facebook or Instagram with me) by glorious water views, water skiing on glassy lakes, thongs, toe-rings, drinks, and boats, boats and more boats and maybe even the odd shot of the ocean. (I promise you faithfully there will not be a photo of me in my bathers. Whew! For you that is, for you.)
AND … for the above said holiday, I have an absolute PILE of books to read … and read … and read (and they are not my own). Bliss.
SO, seeing it’s celebration time and the thermometer is hitting 40+ degrees outside, and my husband informed me he was heading down into Heyfield for parts, I made my request for a bottle of my very favourite Pimm's and lemonade. Because, (deep breath and stay with me here …) it’s after midday and I mean, you don’t send off the final edits for a book (BABY NUMBER TEN, no less :) every day. Or get in the finals of one of Australia’s most favourite author polls alongside incredible authors like Liane Moriaty, Kate Forsyth, Monica McInerney and Tim Winton. Or buy a car with “essential/awesome gadget things” that actually work. Or be on the countdown to a much longed for holiday actually doing nothing? Do you?
And the books people, all those lovely BOOKS!
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