I am running away ...

This week we leave for a combined holiday / research / visiting family trip to Queensland for a few weeks. Anyone who follows our adventures across Australia will know we rarely have a holiday without some gestating book going with us ... and it's rarely just along for the ride. We get to talk to fascinating people and see the most amazing things in this book research business so no one (well, so long as it doesn't involve HOURS of talking) complains. This project I'm working on is a secret one (Hah ha! I've got you now, haven't I?! ) and involves real historical (not hysterical - well, not yet anyway) family connections, three sisters, one brother, a stunning old house over looking the sea, beautiful Byron Bay and scintillating yet illicit love affair. Have I got you intrigued? I hope so. But I can't tell you anything more because it's a SECRET. Shhhhhh ...
H has advised me this trip is being done in the little Peugeot not the Landcruiser. Now you should all know I have a passionate love affair with my Cruiser. It's big, grunty and everyone tends to get out of my way by virtue of the bull bar alone. It's also very comfortable, has great vision thanks to 2 inch lift kit and it's driving lights are superb. All VERY good attributes when driving long distances.
So back to the conversation over the vehicle we are taking north.
'The Pug? Seriously?!' says me. Big sigh. 'Okay, so when are we going to leave?'
'As soon as you're packed,' says H
'Since we're only taking the car and I have exactly 1.1mx .70m x .5m of space to fill ( I measured it ) that's not going to take long!'
'Exactly,' says H.
I can see my (packing) limits are going to be sorely tested. Perhaps I should leave behind his clothes so I'd have room for more of mine? Then again, that wouldn't worry the man one iota. He'd just wash and wear. He's that kind of bloke. Not long after we first met, he was packing a backpack to head around Australia for three months. His kit consisted of 2 singlets, 4 jocks, 2 pairs socks, 2 shorts, 2 t-shirts, a pair of jeans, washing powder, soap & toothbrush.
How was that possible?
It was simply amazing and I was smitten, (especially when he added an Argyle diamond along the way ).
The chicks are growing, cheeping and getting into all sorts of mischief. The cat, dog and other chooks are all avidly watching the going's on from the other side of the fence. I'm just hoping our house/farm sitter can keep things all under control while we're away. Anarchy may be imminent.
The cows are only half-way through calving. My Dad has all that in hand. My Dad is such a good man.
We are busily trying to finish up jobs that we started like trenches for water lines, fencing and more fencing, before we head off. We're starting to irrigate one of the lower blocks too, so it's all happening up here on the hill. We also managed to snag some rain the other night with a thunderstorm to end all thunderstorms. In fact one clap of thunder was so loud H thought the Glenmaggie dam wall had exploded. That caused him to wake up and run outside to check mighty fast.
Unfortunately there wasn't enough rain to overflow the tanks, so the kids cries the next day of 'Can we have a spa?' were met with a sad shake of the head. But it WAS rain. Lovely, lovely rain and every drop is very precious.
ROSE RIVER major edits are due back from my publisher this week, just in time to be packed into that 1.1 x .7 x.5m of space (BIG sigh) to head away with us. I'm also madly writing my novella so I think my morning's in 'warmer than high country Victoria' a.k.a. sunny QLD, will be spent sitting with my laptop. As I usually start at 5.30 - 6am that shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully I'll have my work done by 10.30 and can get on with the rest of the day having fun with my family. (And let's not forget the research for my secret project )
I'm still reading BIG LITTLE LIES by Liane Moriaty and I can tell you I am LOVING this book. It is so cleverly written and it's one I want to keep picking up all through the day but haven't got a chance. By the time I get to bed I can only manage a couple of pages before my eyes defeat me by closing fast, but I'm still trying because the story keeps calling me back. Insistently! This is one book to put on your Christmas list and I'll be buying a few as presents as well.
This week in baking news, my gorgeous friend Emma gave me a Herman the German friendship cake! Have you tried one? With crunchy apples and yummy sultanas, this cake is simply delicious. I made the mixture into muffin sized cup-cakes and put them in the freezer for No. 1 son to use while we were away (so he doesn't starve or forget his mother ). You can find out more about this gem here:
I'll be away for a few weeks but when I get back, hopefully, I might have a cover for ROSE RIVER to show or at least a few nice photo's of sunny QLD (or a pic of me sitting on the boot of the Peugeot trying to get it closed ).
To keep updated with our northern adventures, come find me on Facebook.
In the meantime, if you enjoyed reading any of my books, you might like to vote for them (or another good book!) in the AusRom Today Reader's Choice Awards! A couple of clicks is all it takes. Here's the link.
Until next time,
Margareta x
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