I am SOOO excited!

Can you guess why?
‘School holidays are over …?’
Nope. (Although the silence is rather sweet …)
‘Your book edits are finished …?’
Nope. (I’m getting there though …)
‘You’ve lost 5 kg in the last week …?’
Nope. (I wish…)
Want me to tell you?
Of course you do …
Taa DAAA … I started a new diary/planner this week! Yes! All those crispy, smooth, beautiful, clean pages waiting for me to fill in with all manner of things. Excitement overload, I tell you!
Tragic, isn’t it. Being a self confessed bookaphile I am also a ‘stationary-holic’ and thus, simply ADORE anything that looks like a journal, diary, calendar, notebook, blingy pen …
I remember before Bella’s Run hit the shelves, my wonderful father, (also a bookaphile and I suspect a closet stationary-holic) took himself an hour down the highway to the nearest Officeworks store and spent at least that time again trying every pen he could get his hands on, so he could find me the ‘perfect signing pen’. He did it and to this day I buy the “Uniball Gel Impact” pen by the truckload. My Dad is a legend. It’s a shame they don’t make the Uniball Gel Impact in a glittering bling-like model or bright pink. Otherwise I’d be buying a road-train full of them.
Anyway, back to my love affair with diaries and planners. I’ve tried all of them. Big ones, little ones, financial ones, bound leather all-in-one packages. And I usually forget to fill the darn things in, always returning time and time again around March (when the novelty has worn off) to my trusty ELDERS calendar. You know the one from your local Elder’s Store in the big white envelope; gorgeous rural pictures to each month, lovely BIG squares for each day to fill in the family’s whereabouts/happenings. Once the year finishes there a tiny space up the back to scribble down those pesky appointments in the New Year because you don’t want to hang up that new calendar too early or it’s bad luck. (Although maybe that’s just the Irish in me...)
Two years ago I was given one of those fancy ‘family planner’ calendars, which were all the rage. Each kid gets a single line and you fill it in and are supposed to feel organised. My problem with this particular outfit was the spaces were too small for all that was going on, there was no place for events that affected the whole family and where were the general reminders like worming the dogs supposed to go? In with the kids if they had nothing on that day/night? (They do say, if you worm one lot you should worm the other ...)
Soooo … of course, back I went to my Elder’s calendar and my very vacant looking diary, which I still had forgotten to fill in after March despite my best intentions. I think that particular poor, forgotten diary was a Moleskine one in a very pretty red – which really was such a shame.
ENTER Facebook. Yes, I know. I too vacillate between thinking it’s the scourge of the earth to it being the best thing since the creation of those apple peeling twirly gadgets. (Yes, I’m sure that really is its name … ;))
Facebook told me one day, thanks to one of my commenting rural friends, there was this family planner cum diary created by Milestone Press in QLD. Now, I will be the first to admit it was my love of fuchsia pink that made me buy it in the first place. BUT I AM SO GLAD I DID. This planner is the bee’s knee’s (do bee’s have knees? I’m glad I didn’t say the duck’s nuts ;)). I cannot tell you how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE this planner. The Elder’s calendar has been relegated to the loo and now, pride of place on the bench is my MASTER PLANNER. There is a week to each double page, HEAPS of space at the top of each day for general stuff (like worming the dogs), a birthday’s/anniversary’s line, and then more space FOR EACH FAMILY MEMBER’s activities. There is even a spot to put in dinner, which is getting ultra organised, I know, but by goodness, do you feel good when that’s filled in. No umminng and arrring at 5pm over what the hell you are having for tea. You can get stuff out of the freezer a day or so ahead because your planner tells you to do it!
Kicking goals people, kicking massive goals up here on the hill.
Whatsmore, YOU START YOUR NEW PLANNER IN OCTOBER! Yes! And for some reason my brain can get over the ‘bad luck’ thing because ‘hey, it’s just a diary’, not a calendar. And in goes all the end of year activities PLUS the new year’s uniform days, school stationary pick-up days, back-to-school haircuts/dentist etc. etc.
Oh my goodness, you have no idea how organised I feel.
This year my new MASTER PLANNER is a beautiful shade of purple/violet and it also has a double page for each month, so, at a glance I can see the stuff I need to plan ahead. Like holidays and girl’s nights out. Really important stuff …
Find out more at …
If the Master Plan diary doesn’t float your boat, when I was in Melbourne last week I saw these BEW-DIFUL ‘Sweet’ diaries at Kikki K. Oh my goodness, as you can imagine, I just wanted to INHALE the whole range. I have restricted myself to one in particular which I will use as a work ‘To do’ style diary on my writing desk. (I am a HUGE fan of the ‘tick off the to-do list’, having been known to put something I've ALREADY done on it so I can feel good about a tick - told you I was tragic.) Here it is …
And then yesterday, I was catching up on a few blogs and over at Dolly Henry Design, Megan was getting organised with this amazing, beautiful planner from NoteMaker. Yes, I know it’s a little on the expensive side, but readers of Dolly Henry Design can get an exclusive 10% off Rifle Paper Co. products from NoteMaker, if you get in before December 31, 2016. Just imagine that stylish compendium sitting there your desk/counterpane; so pretty with it's botanical accents, stylish, crisp and smelling like new.
I can see I might need a third diary for some reason or other … Maybe the farm? Can you just see this one bouncing around in the ute?
If you want to find out more go to …
We’re getting to that time of the year when all the fabulous pre-Christmas books hit the shelves. I have been waiting very impatiently for Hannah Kent’s (a la Burial Rites) newbie, THE GOOD PEOPLE. I now have it in my hot little hands so I’m chuffed.
Another fav author of both H and mine, Lee Child has a new Jakc Reacher book coming in November (how can Tom Cruise even THINK he measures up?). Aussie mega-author, Matthew Reilly has a new blockbuster out mid October and Di Morrissy fan’s will be ecstatic to see A DISTANT JOURNEY arrive in stores after October 25.
This month there are also some new releases coming to those who adore reading rural fiction. My great mate, and all round gorgeous girl, Fiona Palmer has just released THE FAMILY SECRET, which I am sure will not disappoint. I love Fiona’s books and can’t wait to get my hands on this one.

If you missed the news last week, my stable mate at Random House, the lovely Nicole Alexander, has also just released her newest epic, RIVER RUN. I simply love that cover and the storyline sounds intriguing. I haven’t been able to wrest it off my husband yet, but I’m holding out hope he’ll hand the book over sooner rather than later.

My other beautiful friend and writing group buddy, Jennifer Scoullar also recently released her latest environmental fiction novel, JOURNEY'S END. Jennifer is an incredibly talented author, who has taken rural fiction into another realm.

So, tell me, what’s your favourite planner/diary/calendar?
Who/ what are you reading this week?
P.S. I should note here that I am not paid to promote these products. They are simply ones I use and like.
Until next time,
Margareta x
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