Off to the Launch

I've got my new shoes on and I'm on my way out the door.
I like my new shoes, but the lovely old dog trapper who gave me such wonderful background for Hope's Road wasn't convinced. I asked him if he'd like to come to tonight's launch. He didn't think it was exactly his sort of "thing", especially after I told him all about my brand spanking new high heels and how all I had to do was learn how to walk in them by Wednesday.
The look on his face kinda gave it away, even before he said he'd rather be out in the bush setting a line of traps.
Wonder if he'd mind if I came too... I'd have to change these shoes though
I really am looking forward to catching up with everyone who can be there tonight (I'm sure I'll lose the twitch once that darned speech is done and dusted... ), and those of you who can't make it, hope to catch up with you somewhere on the Road real soon.
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