Stephen & Lauren's Top End Wedding

Life on the hill has been very busy the last few months. SO busy, thanks to this ongoing drought, I haven’t had a chance to sit down and have a lovely chat with you.
But, the events of this past few weeks have led me to the keyboard today to share a very special and wonderful thing, which has happened to our family.
Amidst the stresses of drought, ongoing feeding out and carting water to what’s left our cattle herd, a couple of weeks ago, my wonderful nephew and Godson, Stephen, along with his lovely fiancé, Lauren, were chosen from 12,000+ entrants, to win a “Wedding in The Top End” with the Nine Networks TODAY Show.
If you’re like me and don’t, as a general rule, watch much TV, this beautiful pair tie the knot this Monday, May 6, live on The TODAY Show. (Bit of the lead up is here if you'd like a look - the clean shaven, handsome one is our number 1 son :) )
And because we were incredibly honoured and lucky to be invited as guests, H & I, will be flying to Darwin to attend, what is sure to be the most spectacular of weddings. We are SO excited.
Our eldest is a Groomsman for his cousin, alongside our other nephew (the groom’s brother), who is Best Man. It is the most surreal experience to watch our very ordinary, country family emblazoned across the small screen. Stephen and Lauren have had much to deal with in their lives together already, so, not surprisingly, they have taken to the experience of Top End Wedding fame like pro’s and have done us all very proud. I’ve seriously had to consider taking out shares in Kleenex to get through the whole shebang! Monday would probably see the end of the drought if the amount of my happy tears could do such a thing :)
So, I wondered if I could ask you, to send out the greatest vibes for a wonderful and happy life together for this beautiful and much loved pair. If two people were ever meant for each other, it’s Stephen and Lauren.
Many thanks,
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