Review - Women of Spirit by Anne Crawford

Recently I received a book in the mail called WOMEN OF SPIRIT written by Anne Crawford, who, amongst other things, was a former feature writer for The Age newspaper. She’s also a fellow Gippslander. (Yay! Go Gippsland authors!)
This book took my fancy as it details true-life stories of inspiring countrywomen. As I travel around the country, I have had the great fortune to meet a vast number of rural women who cause me to pause and wonder. Tenacity, resilience and great passion shine from these beautiful people whose ability to just ‘get on with the job’ despite incredible hardships in both a physical and psychological sense, is sometimes enough for me to shed a tear. (Or two or three ...)
And the subjects of this book are no exception. From the dusty outback to the rugged mountains of our own Victorian high country, we track the lives of nine women. Models and mothers. Farmers, filmmakers and governesses. I spent quite a few evenings enjoying reading of these inspiring people who live life to the fullest.
Anne Crawford’s prose is written simply to ensure the stories are an easy, yet interesting read. It’s a book you can pick up and put down at your leisure due to the compartmentalised narrative describing the lives of each of these remarkable Australians. If you enjoy non-fiction, detailing ‘the drama, joys, heartbreak and humour that go with life in the country,’ WOMEN OF SPIRIT is an enjoyable read. One which will stay with you for a while after turning the final page.
Thanks to the generous people at Allen & Unwin, I have one copy of WOMEN OF SPIRIT by Anne Crawford to give away. Comment below and go in the draw to win. My cake tin is waiting for your name, so don’t be shy!
Good Luck!
About Anne Crawford
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